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Pinnacle House

This project transformed a tired, 2,500 sqm 1980s development generating less than £280/sqm into a 5,000 sqm building generating £580/sqm. 

The project started as a simple refurbishment and rationalisation of the existing building. Following a review of the structure, however, engineersHRW identified spare capacity within the existing foundations. Working with the architects to relocate the circulation and stability cores to maximum benefit, we were able to provide a further three floors of accommodation without strengthening the foundations. Further cost-benefit advantage was achieved by designing floor-plate continuity over the internal columns and by  specifying a method of construction that took more load to the internal columns and less to the under-performing external columns.

Will Pryce CF032593 FL
CF055763 FL Will Pryce exterior 1003
150827 existing
Project PINNACLE 11
Will Pryce CF032564 FL
Will Pryce CF032525 FL
Will Pryce CF032632 FL
Internal 01 1237
Wimbledon, London, UK
MATT architecture
Will Pryce